Monday, December 27, 2010

minor updates, additions, and adventures

Update: Wow, I can't believe it's been almost 5 years since Theo, Cyrus, and I set off on the Mongol Rally for the first time in 2006! We kept a blog back then too - it's linked on the site, but, unfortunately, not all the pictures had been stored on blogger, some lived on my account, which has since expired, so the pictures had gone poof! They've now been replaced - yeah! Seeing the LADA again was a wonderful bit of nostalgia... Reading my rant about the difficulties of importing a vehicle into the US was laughable now that I've actually done it!

Addition: The adventurists' themed Rickshaw Run page (here) now has a filter too. This filter also does not work, but it's now there, ready to be enabled!

The ambitious Adventure: This one didn't quite succeed, but if you look at the Crossing the Circle trip, you may note that the background is a little different - it used to just be all gray under the icebergs picture at the top. Now, there's still the icebergs, floating in Antarctic waters at the top, but the rest is filled with said Antarctic waters. Or at least that's what I want - what I got is a step in that direction, but looks a little too choppy still, so some more work is still required, but I'm pleased that setting up the layout for it was easy, now just need to find a photo editor that'll make the Antarctic waters merge a little more smoothly...

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