Sunday, December 26, 2010

The death and the resurrection of the website

Arnie had been letting me host the site on his server, which was working just fine until he mentioned that he was planning on canceling that hosting setup. I knew I'd have to deal with this fact sooner rather than later, but chose to procrastinate instead... Then, the day of reckoning promptly arrived at the end of September, when the site disappeared. This brought up a lot consternation. I opened my own account with the 1and1 hosting service, I tried to get the site transferred, I failed... I emailed them, I called them, I got transferred to their enterprise service center... I bitched some more... I was told I'd have to wait. I took the time to go back and fix up the blog posts from Burma and China that had been relying on images hosted on my website (since I couldn't upload to blogger from those fine nations...) - I bitched about that here. Finally, on November 16th, I had waited long enough, I had mastered the domain name transferal bureaucracy, and the site was back up and running, looking just as bare as it always had. In celebration, I wrote a brief blog post and started scheming about a next step...

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